Monday, August 28, 2017


Games and Books for Kids

 #bluewhale game
Blue Whale Game

Recently, we all heard about the deaths caused by the Blue Whale Game. Why did it happen? How did a live game able to play with the mind of children. Today’s children are very focused and able to sort out their problems. They are doing well in their studies and cracking their examinations with ease and confidence. But why some of them are not able to control their emotions in this artificial world of virtual reality. Here things seem real, but they are not. They are just to play with the mind and fulfill their own agenda. We can’t even imagine the agenda of such game developers behind developing such games.

Why do children go for such games?

Nowadays, most of the children are not participating in outdoor games that require lots of physical activities. This is the main problem in metropolitan cities. However, the situation is very different when we look into towns and other rural places. It does not mean that metros do not have enough space for outdoor sports, but the willingness to join them is not up to the mark. 

A large number of parents are working and spending lots of time at their workplaces or traveling to it. This causes harm to kids when they do not spend quality time with their growing buddies. They do not let their kids play outdoors due to security reasons, though we all know that it is a great concern as we hear such social problems now and then.

This leads to the consensus that children stay at home and do their homework, studies and spend time watching television and computer games. The problem starts from here. Television and computers cannot be the replacement for physical activities that develop their muscles and brain cells.

This is not a big problem as it seems. It can be easily sorted out. Take at least 4 days a week. Make a schedule for a morning walk or any outdoor sport in the morning or in the evening. It will make you and your family fit. Choose a good sports academy near your home, where your kids go and participate. You can also look for open gyms in your nearby parks, as there you will find a number of simple exercising machines that can work wonders for you and your child. If you are going to an academy then ask the child which sport he/she likes. Try all the sports. It will hardly take 2-3 days to find it out. You can do it at your weekends when you are not going to the office or take rest from it for this crucial task. That is an important task in order to wish a good and healthy life for your kids both mentally and physically.

More they participate in the physical activities; more you will notice that they have become stronger mentally. While participating in various sports they will learn to share things with other kids, and compete with them in a healthy environment. A sense of participation and engagement will gradually take the form of responsibility. Thus, they will be more responsible for things and duties.

After involving them into the physical participation in the form of sports, you will win half the battle. The remaining half can be easily won. Now choose some self-help books for your kids that include activities and tasks to perform. Please do not bring home, reading material full of text, guiding a child what to do and not to do. This sort of reading material is easily available and cannot of any use to engage your child for a good time.

Again you will have to spend 7 to 8 hours in a week to choose good reading and practicing material for your child. The only thing which should be kept in mind that whatever is found should be engaging for kids. Now the question arises on how to choose such material. Such material should focus on Social Skills, IQ, EQ, Reasoning Skills, Daily-use Practical Mathematics Skills, Saving and Spending Habits, Language, Current Trends in Environment, Digital Knowledge, and other topics covering General Awareness.

All the skills and topics mentioned above should be different from the things a child studies in his/her classroom. Spending 30 to 40 minutes in performing such activities will help your child to grow into a much aware and confident child.

A physically strong and mentally tough child is an asset to the nation. Then in order to keep him/her updated with the latest technology and innovations, let him/her play the games on the computer. Try to find out which game he/she likes and the reason behind it. Discuss the negative effects of games that are harming kids throughout the world. You will be surprised to see he/she starts understanding what you are concerned for because you have given him/her a solid base for it.

Appreciate yourself for your necessary efforts and live a happy and productive life with your family.

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